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Adopt -A- Kid Program

The KGPA Adopt-a-Kid program is open to youth and will be based on availability of animals and eligibility of youth. The intent of this program is to encourage children to become involved with Boer Goats by offering sound, disease free animals which will be raised under the supervision of a Mentor.


Program Overview:
Donated Boer doe kids are awarded to KGPA youth members based upon the submission of a 100 word essay. The essay should explain why the youth wants to receive a kid. The number of youth selected is based on doe kids available that year.
A doe kid is to be “donated” by a Donor who is a member of the KGPA. A Mentor will be assigned to each doeling recipient. The Donor is not obligated to be a Mentor in the program. He or she may elect to be the Mentor, or choose to allow another member of the KGPA to volunteer as a Mentor. The purpose of a Mentor is to provide support in the form of animal husbandry knowledge to the qualifying child. The Mentor is responsible for monitoring the welfare of the doe kid (and offspring) for at least one year. A Mentor may not sponsor more than five children at any one time.

Registered (full blood or purebred) Boer doe kids under 6 months of age may be donated. The kid must be free of CAE, CL and sore mouth. The kid should be vaccinated for Clostridium Perfringens types C&D tetanus toxoid and should be de-wormed.

The donated doe is to be bred no earlier than 1 year (approximately 100 lbs.) of age. A doe kid resulting from this breeding is to be returned to the program to be donated to another qualifying child and the process is started again. You must notify the coordinator upon breeding your doe to keep this program going. If the doe is bred and does not produce a live birth or a doe kid after two consecutive breeding seasons, there is no obligation to return a doe kid to the program. The donor is not obligated to be a mentor in the program.

A member of the KGPA may volunteer to be a mentor to provide support in the form of animal husbandry knowledge to the qualifying child. A mentor is responsible for monitoring the welfare of the doe kid (and offspring) for at least one year. A mentor may not sponsor more than five children at any one time. It is preferred that mentors live close by their sponsored children.

When showing the doe, the recipient will place a sign provided by the KGPA over the donated doe's pen. The sign will indicate that the doe was provided by the KGPA Adopt-a-Kid Program.

2024: Addyson Martin
2023: Laurel Knerr
2022: Jase Kelley
2021: Lindsay Smith
2020: Danica Rhoads

2019: Davanta Rarick & Cooper Umbrell

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